BMS Read List
  Morphological and ultrastructural description of Nematopsis spisula sp. nov. (Apicomplexa) inhabiting Spisula solida (Bivalvia) on the Portuguese Atlantic coast
This study describes the morphology and ultrastructure of the oocysts of a new species of the genus Nematopsis infecting different organs of the surf clam Spisula solida on the Portuguese Atlantic coast.
  Operational ecoforecasting for coral reefs using artificial intelligence and integrated near real-time environmental data
A groundbreaking ecological forecasting tool, NEIS, powered by Python-based AI technology, has been developed to provide near real-time ecoforecasts to environmental managers. (Image created with Canva AI Text to Image generator)
  Spatial ecology and habitat partitioning of two sympatric ophichthid eel species in the Gulf of Mexico
Despite being commonly caught as directed/bycatch species in commercial/recreational fisheries, the ecology of king snake and palespotted eels is little known.
  The fish assemblages associated with asphalt volcanoes in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA
Asphalt volcanoes harbor dozens of fish species, especially rockfishes (genus Sebastes). Given the nature of these tar volcanoes off California, authors in this contribution suggest state protections of this unique habitat and organisms within it.