The Bulletin of Marine Science presents
The Bulletin of Marine Science presents
Fish at Night: an international symposium
17–20 November, 2015 - Miami, Florida, USA
The Bulletin of Marine Science hosted an international symposium entitled “Fish at Night.” The purpose of the symposium was to stimulate the exchange of new knowledge, data, and ideas on behaviors, patterns, and processes operating underwater, in darkness. Relevant topics included nocturnal fish activities, technical aspects of night fishing/fisheries, diel fish distribution and abundance comparisons, and strategies adopted by fish and fishers at extreme depths and/or latitudes (i.e., polar seas), where darkness often prevails. Our intent was to foster greater collaboration among researchers, managers, and industry who are faced with different problems, many of which are made more challenging by the lack of light.
About the logo
According to Greek lore, while trying to escape from Typhon (the largest and most fearsome of all creatures), Aphrodite and Eros leapt into the sea and transformed themselves into fish. To not lose each other, they tied themselves together with rope. Their mythical transformation gave genesis to the zodiac constellation of Pisces, the archetypal “fish at night.”
In spite of being a relatively large constellation, Pisces’ stars are faint and hard to see with the naked eye. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are able to see Pisces most clearly in autumn, coinciding with the timing of Fish at Night: an international symposium.
Symposium sponsors